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Wisdome Quotes

I have a mind so that my heart would not get carried away all by itself.

Wise men don't need advice. Fools don't take it.

i have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by

the color of their skin but the content of their character...

It dosent matter what size your body is when you dance.
All that mattes is the size of your heart when you dance.
So never dance your heart out. you'll lose everything.

A promise is a debt.

Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you will be criticized anyway, you'll be damned if

you do, and damned if you don't.

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys

a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the

ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.

Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius--and a

lot of courage--to move in the opposite direction.

Yuur mind is like a parachute... if it's not open, it doesn't work

without wearing a stitch of clothing we're both deeply in disguise

If you find yourself worrying about what other people think about you, think about this: if they

thought that a fish was a flower, that wouldn't make it so.

It's amazing how old friends can become new enemies and old enemies can become new friends

"You cannot climb a smooth mountain".

without wearing a stitch of clothing we're both deeply in disguise

If you find yourself worrying about what other people think about you, think about this: if they

thought that a fish was a flower, that wouldn't make it so.

It's amazing how old friends can become new enemies and old enemies can become new friends

"You cannot climb a smooth mountain".

You might be on the right path but if you just sit there you will get run over
sweet to be loved, love to be sweet.

To Think Thats Great, To Know How To Stop Thinking Thats Greater
30 The poor are honored for their knowledge,

while the rich are honored for their wealth.
31 One who is honored in poverty, how much more in wealth!
And one dishonored in wealth, how much more in poverty!

Together we stand, united we fall.

I wish I was a blade of grass so when my confidence grew it just got cut back down! :(

You must always think before you speak. Before you know it you've said something and you will never

be able to take it back. The words are there. No matter how hard to try you can never take them


oh yeah.. sarcasm is REALLY the answer, isnt it....?!

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is

the creed of slaves

Life is what happens to us when we least expect it.

"Cheese is a sign of wisdom"

"Wisdom is a priceless gift often given freely to those that don’t possess it.”

If you walk into a room and fink: 'Everybody wants to f*** me', then everybody will want to f***

you. It's a frame of mind thing.

A fool who sings before he gets angry is considered wise.

"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action."

"After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one."

Men are not disturbed by things, but the view they take of things.

He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, And he who has one enemy will meet him


Politeness might entail that yes is not always "not no" and no is not always "not yes".

Wisdom is bliss.

The Cherokees would never make a decision without considering the impact on the seven generations

ahead of them.

Knowledge without Imagination; You have the knowledge to build anything, but what will you build?
Imagination without Knowledge; You have the imagination to build anything, but how will you build


I don't need time. What I need is a deadline.

i wonder if anyone else ever noticed how uncommon “common” sense really is? shouldnt it be called

something like uncommon sense?

"Don't confuse God with coincidence, because just like the answer comes through, and not from, the

equation...so to does He uphold us through, and not from nature."

Isn't it just so good when you're the only person who see's this one beautiful thing but wish you're

most favourite person seen It with you.

A sure way to lose happiness is to want it at the expense of everything else.

Ignorant men raise questions that wise men answered a thousand years ago.


Why is it so easy to say bad things about people when it's so hard to say nice things?

You played me like a broken violin
You fooled me like a clowns best friend
I am not going to let you ruin my future that has yet to begin!

We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.

If you know your strengths you can multiply them. Then your weaknesses become less important.

The heart is the center of the body but beats on the left. Maybe that's the reason the heart is not

always right.

Vengeance is never a complimentary color. Remember that whenever you're in a bad mood. It will only

lead to your downfall.

wisdom is foolishness of the great

people and words are very much alike; alone they are very weak, but when united with others they can

do almost anything!

If God wanted us to talk more than listen,He would had give us two mouths rather than two ears...

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.

The best chance you have if you wanna rise to the top is to fear nothing and work hard.

the greatest things in life are untouchable.:)

"A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends."

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.

Something that has happened can never be forgotten... even if it's not remembered

doubt your doubts before you doubt your beliefs

He who doesn't know how to be quiet rarely knows how to speak well

Sometimes the answers you want, are the ones you'd never expect....The anwsers you never want, are

the only options you can only choose from..

"Without fantasy there would not be reality"

You want to critisize people, let them critisize you first then decide if you want to critisize them

for being who they really are.

‘Know yourself. Find your passion. See it big. The closer the match between your work values, your

interests and your skills, the more content you will be with your career and your life.’

Wisdom is knowing when to not point out that you know everything.

You know they're leaving when they don't turn back around.

It is not important WHERE you are
...but what you DO, where you are.

Self praise is like a circle, it ends where it begins.

You are no one, until you tell yourself who you are

Money. Education. Sucess. Failure. These are the most important to all humans.... But what is the

most important to humankind? Attitude.

You must show no mercy... nor have any beliefs whatsoever in how others judge you.
For your greatness shall silence them all.

"Those who trespass in other's souls...will always get burned in the end."

I've figured why I'm perfect. Nobody's perfect. I'm a nobody, therefore I'm perfect.

The greatest way to live with honour in this world is to be what we pretend to be.

The true secret of wisdom: look not with optimism nor pessimism, merely an eye willing to accept any


The true secret of wisdom: look not with optimism nor pessimism, merely an eye willing to accept any


"Other men's pains are easily borne."

"When a wise man is advised of his errors, he will reflect on and improve his conduct. When his

misconduct is pointed out, a foolish man will not only disregard the advice but rather repeat the

same error."

"The talkative listen to no one, for they are ever speaking - And the first evil that attends those

who know not how to be silent, is, that they hear nothing."

"There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are

no honors too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience."

Most people don't think. Those that think that they think, only think that they think. Those that

acctually DO think, are usually wrong.

It is far more impressive when people discover your great qualities without your help.

As long as you follow rules, you will be confined by the person that made that rule."

“Ignorance is subject to evolution. Stupidity knows no such benefit.”

"Who does not thank for little will not thank for much."

A broken heart can always be mended.

"Take Control of life by the balls, control it, it's Urs' ''''>
words best said RS (:

I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater

it will be.

"If many years were added to my life, I would give fifty to the study of the Book of Changes and

might thereby manage to avoid great mistakes."

"The wisest man in the world is not one who says a lot and shows little meaning, it is the one who

says very little and means the most."

The world does not change as much as our appreciation of the world does.

"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees"

Our common sense is more common in a sense.

It is better to risk everything to hold on to anything.

"Marriages are made in heaven but so are thunder and lightning."

If you follow the crowd...
You might get lost in it!

If you were honest, it would be a bummer, but now it also hurts.

If everyone was right, the world would be flat, only birds can fly and god is the creator.

An apple a day doesn't keep the doctor away; A balanced diet, adequate exercise, and common sense

keep the doctor away.

"To know the road ahead, ask those coming back."

If we will deny the longing of love, we will lose even the last address of the stranger inside us.

Don't let your mind control you

Success stands just behind the might and the will, criticism sometimes does hurt, but not kill.

Never Underestimate The Power Of Routine And Its illusion Of Happiness. The Solace Of Your Heart

Does Not Lie Within It.

Do not allow yourself to be blinded by fear or anger. Everything is
only as it is.

It's better to forgive and forget rather than to relive and regret.

"A man can tear down all barriers if he has faith.. because faith is the destroyer of fear and

without fear only strength remains."

A smart man feels what the rest only know

It seems that true character often isn't revealed until a person is faced with temptation.

if you’re not great than attract to something great !

Advice is like snow, the softer it falls the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the


A fish is caught by its mouth, A human by its words.

My best friend gave me the best advice... He said "Each day's a gift and not a given right. Leave no

sone unturned. Leave your fears behind and try to take the path less traveled by."

Take out the trash... from what's inside your head

You can out-distance that which is running after you, but not what is running inside you.

The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.

If you cannot tell the character of a man ... look at his friends.

Rare is the person who can weigh the faults of others without putting his thumb on the scales.

it is better if someone found out about your good deeds rather than you having to boast about them.

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool

Legends are the living dead.

The pen may be mightier than the sword but the mind is the greatest and mightiest thing we will ever


You never truly know someone unless you have been through the ins & outs of their life - literally.

When you feel as though know one likes you, think about what you may have done to them.

"When I look outside, It's like I'm always disgusted now, not by Earth but by what we've done to

her, It's not how my heart wants to live!" -RS

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